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Reforestation in Borstorf / Schleswig Holstein Germany

Bark beetle infestation 

The summers 2018 and 2019 were very hot and dry years. In Germany, around 200,000 hectares of forest have been destroyed during this period. The spruce was and is particularly affected, being strongly attacked by the bark beetle during drought and usually dying off. In addition, hurricane Friederike came in spring 2018, which also caused major damage in spruce forests.
Our reforestation area is such a spruce stand, which fell victim to the bark beetle and the hurricane on an area of 10,000 square meters. Now the area must be reforested with tree species suitable for the location.

For more information

Planting partner
Stiftung Unternehmen Wald Hamburg
Informations about afforestation- and donation-units
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