Ecological Partners
Have you already planted a tree at some time in your life?
Now, in any case, is your chance! And you don’t have to do anything yourself. We do it all for you.
We show you how forests can be maintained and woodlands can be restored.
You can choose from selected reforestation projects in Germany, Central and South America or Africa. Support environmental and climate protection, unique ecosystems and the social and economic development in the project region with your tree donation.
We offer you the opportunity to participate in the design of your project and provide you with a complete infrastructure online and free of charge. You choose your project and your ecological planting partner yourself. You design your individual and transparent “tree tally page” yourself in a few steps. After verification by the ecological partner you will receive the link to your page. Now you can support your individual reforestation project together with your guests.
We publish current information about awards and certifications of all planting partners and thus provide you with a simple and transparent overview of important information.
Afforestation of native mixed forests in Germany
We offer your company the appropriate reforestation and provide you with individual support and implementation options. Become sustainably active with your guests and reforest your individual forest together.
Our team is looking forward to your request:
Reforestation of the rainforest in South America/ Bolivia
Reforestation of the rainforest in Bolivia / South America
Planting Partner: WWF – Germany
In the center of South America, is one of the ten biodiversity hotspots in the world. With mountains over 6000m, the Andean highlands, the Chaco dry forest, flood plains and the Amazon, Bolivia has a great importance for the protection of our environment.
Support the re-greening of the riverine forests in the Amazon. These were cut down in the last decades for agricultural activities. The loss of riverine forests is partly responsible for heavy floods that destroy entire areas of land and threaten the home and food of 80 surrounding local communities.
Transparency and control through information
Since November 2013, WWF Germany has carried the TÜV seal “Certified Fundraising”. In November 2016, the TÜV-Thüringen issued the certificate for “Project Management” in the field of nature conservation. WWF also supports the “Transparent Civil Society” initiative, an initiative for transparency in non-profit organizations.
For more information:
Reforestation in Africa using the FMNR-method
Reforestation in Africa according to the FMNR-method
Planting Partner: World Vision Germany e.V., Friedrichsdorf, Germany
Reforestation projects in the desert? Is that possible?
We know how, by bringing water and growth to where before there was nothing but sand. Our projects support the greening of deserts using the FMNR-method (farmer managed nature regeneration). The FMNR-method improves the micro- and macro climate, has a positive effect on crop yields, and causes the groundwater level to rise. With your reforestation you help people to gain a vital basis for their livelihood.
Transparency and control through information
World Vision took first place in the 2014 transparency test by Spiegel Online and the Munich-based Phineo-Institute. The seal of approval from the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) has been awarded every year since 2003. In addition, the internationally valid agreements and quality standards, such as the VENRO Code of Conduct, are voluntarily observed.
For more information:
New home for mountain gorillas in Africa DR Congo
New forests for the home of the mountain gorillas in Africa / DR Congo
Planting Partner: WWF-Germany
The volcanic chain in Virunga in the DR Congo / Africa is covered with extremely species-rich, tropical mountain rainforest. But more and more forest falls victim to the firewood hunger and the illegal logging. Through sustainable reforestation, support this unique ecosystem and thus the local population and habitat of mountain gorillas, the rare apes among the most endangered mammals in the world.
Transparency and control through information
Since November 2013, WWF Germany has carried the TÜV seal “Certified Fundraising”. In November 2016, the TÜV-Thüringen issued the certificate for “Project Management” in the field of nature conservation. WWF also supports the “Transparent Civil Society” initiative, an initiative for transparency in non-profit organizations.
For more information:
Afforestation in Uganda/ Africa and simultaneous support for chimpanzees
Reforestation in Uganda/ Africa and simultaneous support of the chimpanzees
Planting partner: Jane Goodall Institute – Austria
Due to the greed for profit, large areas of pristine rainforest disappear every year. The results affect us all: climate change, polluted groundwater, drought, species extinction. In Africa, the habitat of chimpanzees is also at risk. The Jane Goodall Institute takes action for those who can´t. Our reforestation projects in Uganda are as diverse as the problem they are addressing: planting trees is only one (important) part of it. We integrate the local people, explain what an intact forest brings for their local ecosystem, take protective measures together and start initiatives to set up tree nurseries, reforestation and restoration.
Do you want your tree to grow in Africa soon? We take care of the purchase of your tree seedling, its cultivation and protection.
“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is now. ” (Saying from Uganda)
Transparency and control through information
The Jane Goodall Institut – Austria carries since 18.09.2015 the Austrian donation quality seal with the Reg.Nr. 06045.
For more information:
A Forest for Cologne
A Forest for Cologne / Germany
Planting Partner: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald Cologne, Germany
Our forest is particularly important for climate protection, health care, biodiversity and the lives of people in the city of Cologne. A healthy forest is a habitat for a species-rich flora and fauna, it is a leisure and recreational space, it is a supplier of raw materials and a large carbon store.
The Cologne forest is closely linked to the development of the green belt and today covers a total area of around 6,000 ha. The city of Cologne owns 4,000 ha of this, which are managed exclusively as mixed and recreational forest according to the strict FSC guidelines. A total of 640 ha (= 16%) are designated as natural forest areas.
Together with the Forest Administration of the City of Cologne, the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald Köln e.V. launched the donation project “A Forest for Cologne”. With this call, the forest in Cologne should increase and thus the living conditions in our city should be improved.
Transparency and control through information
The Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald was founded in 1958 as a non-profit membership organization. Today the association is a nature conservation association recognized under the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
Mixed forest plantation near Freiburg / Germany
Mixed forest plantation near Freiburg im Breisgau / Germany
Pflanzpartner: Stiftung Unternehmen Wald, Hamburg / Germany
The ash trees in Germany and Europe are highly endangered. The ash shoot death, caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, has affected almost all ash trees. The infestation leads to the death of the trees. There is no resistance yet.
The fungus also leaves its traces in the western slope of the Black Forest. Several ash stands in the forests of the District Office Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald are in a process of dying. The diseased trees had to be cut down. The areas will be afforested again with native deciduous tree species from autumn 2020. The main tree species is the English oak in a mixture with winter lime, hornbeam and elm. All tree species are well adapted to the location and will provide a home for many animal and plant species in the future. The tree species are also expected to withstand climate change.
With your donation you support the reforestation of former ash forests with deciduous tree species appropriate to the location. Our forestry partner is the District Office Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.
Transparency and control through information
Stiftung Unternehmen Wald is a member of the initiative: Transparency Deutschland e. V.
The initiative helps to make its own work comprehensible to the public and donors, thereby strengthening trust and credibility.